
Expand women’s access to innovation, support women-led businesses to help reduce poverty — ADB official

Expand women-led businesses and support women’s access to innovation to help reduce poverty in member countries of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program, participants heard at a key gathering of leaders and experts in the region this week. 

At the inaugural meeting of the CAREC Regional Gender Expert Group (RGEG), Asian Development Bank (ADB) Central and West Asia Director for Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Lyaziza Sabyrova said that despite high economic activity rates and education in most CAREC countries, women tend to have low-paid informal jobs and a smaller share of businesses are registered in women’s names. 

“Improving gender equality by expanding economic opportunities for women has many positive impacts on individuals, women, as well as men, their families, communities, and societies at large. By creating new jobs for women, promoting entrepreneurship, expanding access to innovation, and increasing productivity of women-led businesses, gender equality can help reduce poverty, improve quality of life, and contribute to more inclusive societies,” said Ms. Sabyrova. 

“The CAREC Gender Strategy 2030 has been designed with the vision of ‘inclusion, empowerment, and resilience for all.’ It reflects the commitment of CAREC member countries to improve the wellbeing of women through collective action,” she said. “The Regional Gender Expert Group is an important step to realizing this vision, and provides a mechanism for countries to work together to realize their aspirations for gender equality and women’s economic empowerment.”  

The CAREC Secretariat held the hybrid inaugural launch of the Regional Gender Expert Group on 9 and 10 August in Istanbul, Türkiye with some participants joining online. The Group acts as an advisory and consultative body for the implementation of the CAREC Gender Strategy endorsed by member countries in 2020. 

Inclusion, Empowerment, and Resilience for All: A CAREC Forum on Women Economic Empowerment was held on the second day of the meeting. It brought together CAREC member governments, development partners, civil society organizations, the private sector, and other regional stakeholders. Women leaders shared their journeys and a panel discussed best practices in pursuing women’s empowerment in finance, agriculture and trade, labor, and social protection. 

The CAREC Gender Strategy 2030 provides a regional approach to improving gender mainstreaming and strengthening the equal access of men and women to economic opportunities in the CAREC Program’s five operational clusters: economic and financial stability; trade, tourism, and economic corridors; infrastructure and economic connectivity; agriculture and water; and human development.  

CAREC is a partnership of 11 countries and development partners working together to promote sustainable development through cooperation. Launched in 2001, the program proactively facilitates practical, results-based regional projects and policy initiatives to accelerate economic growth and reduce poverty in the region. ADB serves as the CAREC Secretariat. 


The CAREC Women’s Empowerment Online Platform (WEOP) is a comprehensive and user-friendly digital space that aims to empower women across the region by providing capacity development resources, opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration with stakeholders.



As a mentor

  • A mentor will offer advice and support to mentees based on their expertise and experience.
  • A mentor will guide mentees in achieving their professional goals and share knowledge and insights on women’s empowerment, leadership, and career development.
  • A mentor will provide advice on overcoming challenges and navigating the complexities of her chosen field, connect mentees with relevant networks within the women empowerment community, and provide mentees with opportunities to network professionally.
  • A mentor will identify skills they need to develop, provide constructive feedback on mentees’ work, assist mentees with career planning and development, and provide insights into career pathways, opportunities, and strategies for advancement.
  • A mentor will provide support for mentees in the professional and societal context and motivate mentees to advocate for themselves and others.

As a member

  • Through this platform, members will share information, resources, and updates about women’s empowerment initiatives, projects and events, build connections, and collaborate with each other for mutual benefit, participate actively in discussions about relevant topics, share experiences, provide insights, and contribute to the exchange of ideas and best practices.
  • Members (and mentors) will have access to educational materials, toolkit, research, and other resources that support women’s empowerment, and participate in or initiate collaborative projects aimed at advancing the goals of women’s empowerment using the platform.
  • To enhance skills and knowledge related to women’s empowerment, members will participate in the WEOP mentorship program, training sessions, webinars, and workshops organized through the platform.

CAREC Women’s Empowerment Online Platform
Community Guidelines

Welcome to the CAREC Women’s Empowerment Online Platform, where women in CAREC member countries can safely connect with each other and be part of a community that helps each other succeed. To ensure a safe, inclusive, and enjoyable environment for all members and mentors, we’ve established the following guidelines:

  • Be real: We require you to use your true identity on the Platform and provide accurate information about yourself. Do not create a fake profile or provide false information about yourself to mislead other members on this Platform. Do not use an image of someone else for your profile photo.
  • Be respectful: Treat all members with respect. Be courteous in your interactions, and refrain from engaging in personal attacks, harassment, or any form of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, or any other personal trait.
  • Don’t scam or defraud others: This Platform allows users to share or post job opportunities. Do not deceive or defraud other members of the community and instead provide truthful information about the job.
  • Respect privacy: Respect the privacy of fellow members. Avoid sharing personal information about others outside this Platform without their consent.
  • Respect intellectual property: Respect copyright and intellectual property rights. When uploading publications on this Platform, ensure that you have the intellectual right to share or publish the material in this community. Do not post copyrighted material without the owner’s permission. When posting blogs, be sure that the blog is your own and is not written by others or not generated by Chat GPT or similar AI tools.
  • Be factual: Make sure that the facts shared on your publications and blogs are factual and does not contain false information.
  • Maintain a safe environment: Help maintain a safe environment by reporting any inappropriate behavior or content to the organizers promptly.
  • Consequences for violations: Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent expulsion from the community. Moderators of the Platform reserve the right to enforce these consequences as they deem necessary.