Guide on gender-responsive procurement for Employment-Intensive Investment Programmes (EIIPs), Creating decent jobs and generating equal labour and business opportunities for women and men
The Guide on gender-responsive procurement for EIIP, provides guidance along the procurement process cycle and illustrates each step with concrete country cases.
A Manual For Gender Audit Facilitators
This Manual provides PGA facilitators with guidelines and practical instructions on how to undertake a PGA in an organizational context. Its content and structure are based on training materials that are being used to prepare facilitators to conduct PGAs. Originally conceived to be used for training internal ILO facilitators, it has been further revised to reach a wider target group in response to numerous requests from other organizations and structures such as the ILO constituents – governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations – as well as many UN agencies and national and international training institutions that wish to undertake PGAs within their own organizational context.
Investments in childcare for gender equality in Asia and the Pacific
The report highlights why and how investing in childcare impacts positively on gender equality and decent work in Asia and the Pacific.
Where women work in Asia and the Pacific: Implications for policies, equity and inclusive growth
This study analyzes gender gaps in Asia and the Pacific’s labour market and shows why removing the barriers preventing women accessing decent work, increasing pay and improving working conditions can drive inclusive development and economic growth.
Integrating Sexual Exploitation, Abuse, and Harassment Reporting and Case Handling into Project Grievance Redress Mechanisms: Good Practice Note for ADB-Financed Projects with Civil Works
The proposed reporting mechanisms and case handling processes in this publication are based on good practices by international development agencies and multilateral development banks. This good practice note may be used independently but is better understood when read together with the Good Practice Note on Addressing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment in ADB-Financed Projects with Civil Works.
Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Pacific Region: A Comprehensive Analysis of Existing Research and Data
This publication and accompanying summary materials highlight key messages from current research and data on women’s economic empowerment in Pacific island countries.
Gender-Inclusive Development through Fintech: Studying Gender-Based Digital Financial Inclusion in a Cross-Economy Setting
Health, education, the labor force participation rate, and political empowerment of women significantly impact the digital financial inclusion of women.
Addressing Menstrual Health in Urban, Water, and Sanitation Interventions in the Pacific: Practitioner Guide
This guide provides practical tips for addressing menstrual health as part of urban development, water, and sanitation work in the Pacific to promote gender equality and well-being.
Developing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategies for Sector Agencies in South Asia: A Guidance Note
This guidance note outlines how sector agencies in South Asia can develop gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) strategies, highlights their key elements, and shows how to effectively integrate them into projects and policies.
Facilitating Entrepreneurship Growth By Lifting Barriers
This White Book analyzes the performance of WSMEs in Viet Nam and the barriers they face. It also reviews the current legal framework, including existing policy support, regulatory gaps, and inefficiencies affecting the performance and growth of WSMEs.